Dear sponsors and donors,

The Sambhota school-orphanage faces some unexpected difficulties today.

In the 15 years of the school’s existence, we have enjoyed a trusting relationship with its administrator. Today, he and his family are confronted with a degree of animosity that makes it impossible for him to continue running the school, and impossible for us to guarantee the students’ safety.


We are very sad to report that we have had to close the school-orphanage for the time being to allow the situation to return to normal.

We have been able to ensure that all the children have either returned to their families or have been accommodated by relatives. We are of course ready to lend a hand whenever needed.


We ask you, therefore, to no longer make any donations for the support of the Sambhota school.; We will be sure to let you know as soon as we can resume our activities.


Nevertheless, these momentary obstacles do not call into question the goal of our association. We maintain our commitments and efforts towards what is important to us, the well-being of the Tibetan people, their education and the preservation of their culture.


Our activities are currently focused on two aspects:


The education of the Tibetan children living in Belgium. It is impossible to know exactly how many thousands of Tibetans live in Belgium, but it is certain that among them, many parents are aware of the risks that exist for their children: to have difficulties integrating their host country, or to forget their roots and lose some of their identity.


For this reason, the Tibetan Buddhist Center Dharma City in Florennes, created by Patrul Rinpoche, has been regularly hosting for years already groups of Tibetan children coming to reclaim their culture: the songs, the dances, the Dharma philosophy, and of course the language, a primordial factor that conveys all the values ​​of a people.


It is important for us to develop these stays, so precious for the children of the Tibetan diaspora, and we offer you the opportunity to support this activity with your donation.


The preservation of Tibetan culture, through our support to the Zangdok Palri Institute. The building, inaugurated in 2010, aims to host ceremonies, rituals and transmissions of ancient knowledge, in a space and decor that are in themselves a teaching. Maintenance activities and especially the continuation of the repayment of its financing remain at the center of our concern.


We are immensely grateful to you for reading, supporting and encouraging us these many years. This project has only been possible thanks to you!


On behalf of the Dzogchen children, thank you.


The Zangdok Palri team

December 2018